Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hip Openers Anonymous

Most runners will know and admit they have tight hips - very tight hips!
Training for the London Marathon right now isn't helping the elasticity of my hips, but luckily yoga is and when I stretch out in a hip opening asana like Pigeon Pose and then move into the aptly named Bird of Paradise the tension melts away.
I did suddenly realise that a slight addiction to hip openers could be developing, which is surely OK for a runner? To counter act the many miles of running, I need hip openers most of all to helping to correct imbalances, don't I? But oh to  neglect the hamstrings...
I have to face up to the facts: I am a runner, and I love hip openers.


  1. my hips are ALWAYS tight and achy. yoga has helped strengthen them and bring awareness to them so i am more careful during my normal exercise. which really begs the question - who DOESNT love yoga?!? =)

  2. just came across your blog! it's fabulous! you have some great insight on your posts! I def agree that yoga always helps my hips to- they tend to be tight on occasion!
