Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Combining Strengths

This week started on a high note. I attended an early morning Vinyasa class with a good running friend, who is relatively new to yoga, and we had a wonderful practice. The room was warm, the teacher excellent and the level of the class ideal. I also noticed that a normally insignificant strength difference between my right and left arm, was really exaggerated!

During the class we did a few vinyasas moving in and out of Vasisthasana and also a side fore-arm plank version of Dolphin plank pose, before then leading up into Dolphin. It was at this point that I really started to feel the difference in my left and weaker arm, and took a break - for a much needed rest in an attempt to be graceful before I crashed down to the mat!

I am sure that everyone notices strength differences between their right and left arms and legs, but I am curious to know how this affects our yoga practice, and if anyone has any suggestions or ideas as to how to maybe address the imbalance?

Or is it literally a case of realising that our right and left handsides are supposed to work together - the strengths combined! And is it only when we insist on doing one armed balances that the differences are really noticeable?!

The interesting thing is that also this week I have felt a tightness developing in my right hamstring, which is probably due to the higher mileage of marathon training - and also maybe a strength difference...(and a signal that it is high time for a massage).

Thanks to the Monday morning yoga class, if the right hand side of my body really is stronger it is something I'll need to be mindful of in the future!


  1. thats the awesomeness of yoga - you get to notice these things!! its totally normal to have one side different than the other. i can twist great going to the right but im very tight on my left. its all about just noticing and not trying to fix or think anything is wrong that is key =D

  2. I agree! It's only usually in a yoga class that I notice these differences and it used to bug me, but I've grown to just take note of what's going on in my body and accept it as it is for now. Right now my right leg is MUCH tighter than my left leg, which can feel funny in certain poses for sure! This just tells me that maybe I should practice a little more :)

  3. Yes, my right and leg side have such different strengths. I would never have noticed that without yoga but is is very pronounced. I think eventually they will even out(or not)
